How to Be and Orthodontic Assistant

In this video, you will learn about orthodontic treatment. The basics of orthodontic assisting are going to be explained. What is an orthodontist? An orthodontist is a dentist who decided to do more schooling to do braces, Invisalign, and anything that has to do with tooth movement. A board-certified ortho took an extra test and presented it to their board.

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There was not any more schooling involved. Not all metal brackets are the same. There are two different sizes of brackets. The slot area that takes the wire is generally for smaller children or people will small teeth. Metal, clear, and Invisalign are the three typical options. Centrals are called ones. They count from the middle and go outwards all the way to the wisdom teeth. They count from the midline, that’s why it is a little bit different. Three in general dental terms are different than the orthodontics terms. You need to know the basics of the numbers of the teeth. You can have the same size as someone who is smaller than you. The size does not particularly matter, it is the material that matters more. If you are interested in learning more, keep watching this video for more information.

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