Oral Health Starts Early How To Keep Your Child From Developing Cavities And Gum Disease

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Oral health is one of many good habits you have to develop over time. Children fare best when they’re taught the importance of brushing, flossing and rinsing early.

Even then…sometimes a cavity will erupt out of nowhere and send you straight to the dentist office. It’s recommended by most professionals you and your children visit your family dentist once per year for teeth cleaning (with at-risk youth suggested twice per year to stave off the onset of cavities and gum disease). Doing so will keep nasty plaque from building up and tooth pain from distracting your child when they should be having fun with their friends and studying hard in school. If you haven’t dropped by the dentist office in a while and need to brush up (no pun intended) on some oral health know-how, the list below will get you and your child started on the right foot.

Did You Know?

Let’s get a bigger picture when it comes to oral health among American children. Did you know one out of five kids in the United States will go without dental care most of their childhood? This number is higher among those below the poverty line, causing many dental clinics to offer sliding-scale fees to make sure children are able to access teeth cleaning and fillings no matter what. An estimated 40% of children will have more than one cavity by the time they reach kindergarten. Tooth decay has recently been determined as five times more common than obesity and 20 times more common than diabetes.

The Short-Term Impact Of Poor Oral Health

Poor oral health can impact your child’s quality of life in a number of ways. Children with below average dental hygiene are up to three times more likely to miss school as a result of cavities. This can even extend to their extracurricular activities and social life, cultivating in kids and adults frustrated throughout the week. The Center For Health And Health Care In Schools recently warned as many as 50 million school hours are lost every year to dental related illness.

The Long-Term Impact Of Poor Oral Health

Children dental services aren’t just important for the short-term. They’re also important to keep serious medical problems at bay. Cavities are painful issues, but they become much worse if neglected and left to fester. Root canals are a notoriously painful condition that can lead to permanent jaw damage, which is nothing to say of impacted wisdom teeth and long-term periodontal disease. This is a major reason why more and more dentists are advising adults to put a greater emphasis on teaching children to brush and floss at a very young age.

Simple Oral Hygeine Tips For Kids

Kids are restless and want to spend more time playing or watching YouTube videos instead of learning oral health. Keep them healthy by giving them these useful tips for day-to-day care. Children younger than two years old should not use fluoride toothpaste unless otherwise directed by a doctor. Fluoride varnish is provided during teeth cleaning sessions and go a long way in preventing decay and plaque in teeth. Flossing should be done at least once per day before bed and should be accompanied by a mouth rinse for maximum effect.

When It’s Time To See A Dentist’s Office

If your child is starting to feel the telltale throb of an incoming cavity, it’s time to head out to your local dentist office and ask about their children orthodontics care. Children should be visiting the dentist office by the time they’re one, with good dental care offered as soon as a baby’s teeth start showing. It’s estimated over 40% of children between the ages of two and 11 have cavities in their primary teeth. Another 10% to 40% of dental injuries in children are caused by sports or roughhousing. Regular teeth cleanings don’t just keep your children’s oral hygiene sound, but offer a deeper perspective on any problems beneath the surface.

Oral health is important for all of us. Make sure your kids are always given a reason to smile.

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