If you wear dentures or are missing several teeth, your self-confidence may suffer, and you may have trouble enjoying the foods you want. If you want to change your smile, all on four dental implants may be for you.
All on four was developed in the 1990s and essentially rehabilitates the edulentous region of your mouth by placing four implants where bone density is highest, then using those implants to support a fixed prosthesis of 12-14 teeth.
Using this procedure, dentists can replace an entire upper or lower set of teeth with only four dental implants which act as pillars for the bridge of prosthetic teeth.
The procedure is primarily for patients experiencing extensive tooth decay or tooth loss, or who are unsatisfied with their dentures.
How can all on four implants help me?
The prosthetic dental implant system of all on four allows you to enjoy a wider variety of food without having to remove dentures or worry about damaging other teeth. Teeth are more stable, making you more comfortable and able to chew more challenging foods.
All on four implants act and feel like real teeth, so you’ll be more comfortable smiling, speaking and eating. And these benefits aren’t temporary! Your prosthetic can last a lifetime with proper care and cleaning, which is as simple as brushing and flossing.
Your face may even loose some wrinkles if you experienced facial structure deterioration from your missing teeth. Dental implants round out your face, making you look better and younger!
Implants may also reduce your chances for periodontal disease, which can result in more severe conditions. With regular brushing, you’ll actually be healthier with your implants!
Talk to your cosmetic dentist if you think you could benefit from all on four implants!
More on this topic: www.dentalimplantsventura.com