If you have darkened gums resulting from an excess of melanin, gum bleaching is a safe cosmetic dental treatment that could help. Whether a dental patient lives in a tiny hamlet or in a metropolis like New York gum bleaching is one of many cosmetic dental procedures that can help him or her feel more attractive and confident.
While colloquially known as “gum bleaching,” dental professionals refer to the process of bleaching gums as “gum pigmentation treatment.” Even though darkened gums is not a sign of a serious condition, since gums are typically pink, dark gums are definitely not desirable. Although some folks may not care about it, others may feel too embarrassed by their gums to laugh or even stand with mouth agape at a truly tasteless joke at work.
There is no single cause of gum darkening, but doctors believe that prolonged use of certain medications might be a more common one. Regardless of the reason, dark gum discoloration is the result of a build up of melanin, which is manifested by dark spots or patches on the gums and roof of the mouth. The good news is gum bleaching is a highly effective treatment method for lightening dark spots on the gums.
Since the specific underlying causes and conditions behind gum discoloration can vary from patient to patient, an assessment is usually carried out by a licensed cosmetic dentist to determine the most appropriate route of action. The assessment is crucial, because the bleaching can be done via surgery, chemicals, or laser ablation; and the assessment allows dentists to figure out which method is best for each patient.
In addition to causing aesthetic issues, darkened gums can take a toll on a person’s confidence; and both of those things can have a considerable impact on one’s professional and personal lives. From Seattle to New York gum bleaching has been changing lives of Americans from coast to coast. Given the fact that gum depigmentation is safe and effective, that should not be surprising.