Parents are faced with many choices throughout their child’s life. Choices like what diapers they wear, when to start letting them watch tv, and when to give them their first cell phone, are different for every parent, and they can be very difficult decisions to make sometimes. Some of the most important decisions to be made are during infancy and toddlerhood.
One of the most important decisions, in terms of the physical health of the child, is when to start taking them to the dentist. Sure, you brush the child’s teeth at home and make sure everything is clean in there, but when do you need to start letting a professional look at your child’s teeth? Experts say that parents should start taking their children to regular dental visits at the age of one.
Childrens dentistry is a very delicate practice. Many parents may hesitate on taking their children to a dentist office when they are so young because they may not think their children are ready, and for many reasons. However, these are trained professionals that are there to take care of your children and to ensure great oral hygiene.
Baby Teeth
Children start popping out teeth around four months old. Although it is true that all of the child’s baby teeth are expected to fall out, it is important that the baby teeth are taken care of as well. If baby teeth are damaged, even after they come out, they can have an effect on the adult teeth that come in after. Therefore, it is very important to take care of your child’s baby teeth so that they can have a healthy set of pearly whites when the adult teeth start coming in.
Fear Factor
Taking your child to their first dentist visit can be frightening. Many adults are still afraid of the dentist, so it is crucial to squash those fears early on. One of the best ways to do that is to start taking the child to the dentist at a young age. This creates a sort of homey feeling for the child when they are old enough to realize and remember their trips to the dentist office. The more exposure they have to childrens dentistry, the better chances they have at not being terrified children at the dentist, or even terrified adults at the dentist.
Form the Habit
The last reason for taking your children to the dentist at a young age, but most certainly not the least important, is making sure they start forming the habit of dental hygiene early on. The younger the habit starts of brushing teeth, flossing, and understanding the importance of having a clean mouth, the better chance you have of getting the habit to stick. This habit will hopefully lead to having awesome, strong, clean teeth from childhood well into adulthood.
When you’re considering childrens dentistry, don’t forget these factoids to help you decide when to start taking your children to the dentist!