Did you know that 58% of people have researched products or services online? The internet is full of potential business, but the only way to attract new dental patients is to implement a dentist marketing system. There are several dental SEO marketing strategies that must be employed, and by correctly utilizing them, you will finally be able to attract more new patients.
1. Blogging. It is important to blog on a regular basis in order to attract new patients. In fact, 57% of businesses have gained new customers through blogging, and companies that blog receive an average of 55% more web traffic. This means that if you produce a suitable amount of keyword-rich blogs each day, week, or month, your readership will improve, and this will lead to more new patients.
2. Quality web design. More and more often nowadays, a patient makes his or her first impression of a business based on its website. As a result, your website must be of the highest quality in order to provide consistent brand identity. In order to accomplish this, you must include information on your website that sets it apart from your competitors, and you must also organize this information in a way that is simple to navigate and read. By doing so, your website will become more responsive and user friendly.
3. Social media marketing. Your website must also maintain a strong presence on social media sites. This is because 18% of consumers use social media to research products and services, and more than 40% of B2C businesses have gained new customers through Facebook. This means that when you market on social media sites, you will be able to appeal to a wider audience.
In order to gain more new dental patients, you must implement a dentist marketing system. This system should include blogging, web design, and social media marketing, as all three marketing strategies are beneficial in their own ways. By correctly employing a dental web marketing system, you will finally see an increase in patient attendance and enrollment.